This speech took me awhile to write. I kept thinking what can I say that will be meaningful and purposeful to the audience. Many thoughts entered into my head and swirled around with no real meaning.
Then I reflected on the beginning of the Harrow Haikou journey over three ago. I remember sitting in my parents’ garden writing strategic plans for the opening of the school. It was the height of the pandemic and all of us would have in one way or another been affected, either separated from family or isolated in an apartment or house somewhere around the world.
But the leadership team kept going – knowing that we needed to open the school on time and safely for our community. We meet two times a week virtually for months with all of us scattered around the world. Up early or late to make sure we began the building blocks for the start of the school year 2020.
Each meeting, we added another piece of the puzzle to achieve the main goal of opening the school. Building the foundations so that you could have a safe, happy and vibrant school to come to each day.
Today is a celebration of not only the foundations you have laid this school year, but also what we have achieved through challenging times over several years.
As a Chinese saying goes,for a tree to grow tall, a strong and solid root is required; for a river to reach far, an unimpeded source is necessary. Development is the foundation of security, and security the precondition for development.
Your parents, your teachers, your support staff and your leaders have kept this in the forefront of their minds –
how do we build strong foundations for our students to be successful?
How do we build strong foundations?
A house has four walls but what makes it a home?
Things we treasure and value displayed around the home – things that build our foundations for what our life and what our home means to us.
A bridge crosses rivers but how does it stand strong?
Architecture that has been designed to withstand bad weather and heavy traffic so that we feel safe crossing the bridge to continue our journey.
A family belongs together but how do they learn to love?
Memories, laughter, support, understanding and knowing that no matter what happens, as a family we stick together and build our bonds over time.
A school is made of buildings but how does it become vibrant, proud and happy?
Brick by brick.
Each brick that is laid by each of us, makes our school stronger, and through strength we can weather any challenges that we may face. Whether academic challenges, friendship challenges, changes that happen unexpectedly or being resilient to face any challenge and to celebrate our successes whether they are yours or others.
My main goal of any school I work in is to build a school that has strength, vibrancy, happiness and pride in what we all achieve.
Our community is built on courage, fellowship, honour and humility. Our core Harrow values that will stay with us now and in the future.
Brick by brick – demonstrate these values daily in all that you do, no matter the challenges you may face. Success ebbs and flows, but values remain constant. They are your bricks to build upon today and in the future.
Today I leave you with one last brick to continue to build the future for Harrow Haikou.
Even though I will not be here with you next year, I will be watching from the sidelines, cheering you on as your biggest supporter.
It has been an honour and a privilege to be your founding Head Mistress, and this is a very bittersweet moment for me - to say goodbye to you all. Please take my last brick and continue to build upon our foundations by facing challenges with determination, supporting each other and giving your best always.
I wish you a wonderful summer – covid free – and a bright start to the 2023 – 24 school year.
现在我将把我的最后一块砖交给Mr Moore和Mr Cooper,由他们继续添砖加瓦,继续建设一所富有活力、令人自豪和充满快乐的学校。
I will now pass my last brick to Mr Moore/Mr Cooper to add to our foundations. Take good care of it and continue to build a happy, proud and vibrant school!
Thank you!
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